In many rooms, odors and gaseous outputs from building materials or furniture can affect the wellness and health of people in significant way . Viruses and germs are transmitted via skin contact or via tiny droplets through the air.Mold spores and gaseous outputs from building materials can cause allergies or asthma. Diseases such as sick
building syndrome”, the so-called “building-related”, often lead to massive health problems and high costs. MVX protective coating is able to decompose organic and pathogenic substances in the air as soon as they come into contact with treated walls or the ceilings where they are converted into completely, harmless substances. In hospitals in particular, MVX Hygienic coating is the ideal product for the quick and effective deodorization of canteens, cafeterias, sanitary areas, visitors’/ smoking lounges and sickrooms.

Function Results Method Test association

Air purification

Ammonia gas

Coated surface  Vinyl chloride

3 Hours the gas 63% removal

15 Hours  the gas 97%removal

Gas bag test


Hiroshima Environmental Health Association
Toluene (odor neutral) 3 Hours the gas 65% removal

15 Hours  the gas 97%removal

H2S (acidic smelly) 3 Hours the gas 60% removal

15 Hours  the gas 95%removal

Formaldehyde 3 Hours the gas 94% removal
Acetaldehyde 3 Hours the gas 86% removal
Ethylene 3 Hours the gas 65% removal

6 Hours  the gas 98%removal

Styrene 3 Hours the gas 96% removal
Xylene 3 Hours the gas 90% removal
Ethyl benzene 3 Hours the gas 75.6% removal

6 Hours  the gas 92%removal

P-Di chlorobenzene 3 Hours the gas 88% removal


Due to their reactivity, surfaces such as floors and/or interior walls which are coated with MVX hygienic coating, is literally able to attract and decompose gas molecules, bacteria and viruses that are present in the air.